​Visit our restaurant Healthy On Lark in Albany NY to taste how good eating local plant based food can be! 

Read about our new college program
Healthy is Sexy

Healthy In A Hurry motivates and supports clients to define a personal vision of optimum health and begin living the life they truly crave.  We assist you to turn off auto-pilot and make conscious daily choices that impact your health: food choices, exercise routines, self care choices, and sleep habits.

Healthy In A Hurry Clients:

  • Learn the foods to chose to release excess weight  
  • Practice techniques to reduce stress and anxiety 
  • Increase overall feelings of happiness
  • Shift negative self-talk to positive self-talk
  • Improve focus and mental acuity
  • Discover fun ways to keep moving daily 
  • Make self-care a priority  ​​